Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Maya 2008 changes

Anyone who uses Maya, Unreal, and similar large software, whose development is fast pace, will find each version is different from it's previous one. Moreover, tutorials that come with the software, let alone hundreds available online, are often out of date and lack behind. As Maya concerned, here are few changes we found, in the labs I run, when using Maya 2008 from main tutorials often used.

Whenever 'Edit Polygons' menu are mentioned you can change that to 'Edit Mesh' menu. Similarly, whenever 'Split' is required you can use 'Detach Components' in the 'Edit Mesh' menu. As for 'Extrude' there is a menu entry for it under 'Edit Mesh'.

There are obviously more changes in menu names but those we have found so far. My advice to my students is always to look at what the tutorial tells them to do and not necessary at how the tutorial tells them to do it. This may be of help to those working with Maya and other fast paced software where tutorials do not necessary keep up with the changes in the software.

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