Monday, 24 September 2007

Up coming event ~ Creativity Conversations: Creative Swarms

Wednesday 17 October 20075.30-6.30pm
Creativity Conversations: Aladdin Ayesh and Bret Battey consider creative swarms and how these may be used to enhance creativity.

For details please see:

Images, figures and tables in Latex

Most scientists, esp. Computer Science researchers and Mathematicians, love Latex for typesetting. However, many students, and in some cases established researchers, miss few tricks of Latex especially when it comes to embedding images, figures and tables. One common problem is the placement of figures and tables. You can use the option [htbp] just after beginning a figure or a table environment to manage placement.

Most people would be using new version of Latex and likely under Windows. It is sometimes known as PDFLatex. In this case use jpeg file formats for images. If you are using graphicx package you need to use the option [jepg] in declaration to tell the package to deal with images as jepg and not eps.

Few tricks that solve problems and make life far easier for Latex users.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Auditory cognition is interesting for the dealing with sound and phonetic alike.